Kind Group is a social enterprise
The primary purpose of a social enterprise is to achieve social goals –investing profits into social programs instead of distributing them to shareholders. Our profits go to the Kindness Factory a not-for-profit organisation focused on teaching communities and schools about Kindness, inspiring kind actions and ultimately developing kind children and kind communities.
The Team
Kind Group employs specialists in a variety of fields who are committed to making the world a kinder place. When you work with Kind Group you are working with professionals with a track record of delivering results for businesses across the globe. They are also wonderful people to work with, who will enjoy facilitating your success as much as you will.
Apply for Kind Company Accreditation
To earn accreditation,
Get 80% or more on the Kindness Engagement Index (provided by Kind Group) Complete a Kindness Action Plan outlining details of your company’s kindness education and actions. Communicate your outcomes
Kind Group staff are available to help you through the process.
Increase profitability by
Increase wellbeing by