Our proprietary Strengths Profile tool is designed to help individuals and organisations learn their strengths and take action to make positive changes in the future.
Based on a series of questions around the 12 attributes of kindness, you will grow in awareness and understanding of how to leverage your strengths, joining a community of leaders who excel in their teams, work and life.
Through deeper understanding and our proprietary assessment, organisations discover their collective strengths and get the tools to create constructive, positive culture of wellbeing, productivity and teamwork.
This tool provides a baseline to start planning how you can transform your workplace culture into a psychologically safe culture.
Kindness DNA

You look beyond your own point of view and you can consider how someone else may think or feel about something

You have a modest view of your own importance, you put others needs ahead of your own and enable others to prosper

You are thankful and have a readiness to show appreciation

You pay full attention to what is going on in you and outside you, moment by moment, without judgment


You enjoy working with someone to produce something

You have an ability to understand and share an emotional connection to how someone feels

People are confident in your promises, you will not deliberately do anything to harm others

You enjoy laughing and making others laugh

You are truthful

You accept of all your attributes, positive or negative

You care about others and help others in need