Our expert team designs a custom approach to transform your workplace through kindness.

Kind Group works with your organisation to understand your company’s unique strengths profile, and determine the most impactful approach for your team and business.

We design programs based around the 12 attributes of kindness which can be delivered off the shelf or customised to transform culture and improve employee engagement, wellbeing and performance. 

Other Kind Group Workshops


Self Awareness

Workshop Aim​
At the end of this workshop participants will:
  • understand their personal kindness strengths and ways to apply them in the workplace to create a kind and psychologically safe workplace​
  • learn more about they way they think and respond to different situations at work. ​
  • develop kindness action plan to consciously create a kind and psychological safe workplace through their future actions
Workshop Time: 3 hours​
Audience: All employees​

Develops the following Kindness attributes:
Empathy, Perspective, Honesty, Trust​


Workshop Aim​
At the end of this workshop participants will:
  • understand their personal kindness strengths and will be able to apply those strengths in the workplace​
  • Learnt the skills and knowledge to have KIND conversations ​
  • Practiced kind conversation skills when​
    – Giving feedback​
    – Conducting performance / development discussions
Workshop Time: 3 hours​
Audience: Anyone who is required to provide feedback or conduct performance conversations with others in the workplace​

Develops the following Kindness attributes:
Empathy, Perspective, Honesty, Trust​


Workshop Aim​
The aim of this workshop is to identify the level of psychological safety in a team and to create action plans to create team culture of high psychological safety and high accountability to accelerate team engagement and achievements with kindness culture.
Workshop Time: 3 hours​
Audience: Intact teams​

Develops the following Kindness attributes:
Empathy, Perspective, Honesty, Trust, Humilty, Gratitude


Workshop Aim​
At the end of this workshop participants will:
  • Understand what psychological safety and the importance of it in the workplace​
  • Learn the levels of psychological safety in teams and identify current status in their team​
  • Learn the tools and techniques to create psychological safety and practice applying them in a safe setting​
  • Create an action plan for themselves that will contribute to building a KIND workplace.
Workshop Time: 3 hours​
Audience: All Leaders

Develops the following Kindness attributes:
Self – Acceptance, Empathy, Trust, Positivity, Humility, Gratitude, Humour​


Workshop Aim​

The aim of this is to identify your kindness strengths and how to apply them in the workplace be at your best. Using kindness to successfully lead teams,  creating a psychologically safe environment and creating foundations for high performance.

Workshop Time: 3 hours​
Audience: All Leaders​

Develops the following Kindness attributes:
Self – Acceptance, Empathy, Trust, Positivity, Humility, Gratitude, Humour​


Inclusion, Diversity & Equity Actions

Workshop Aim​
At the end of this workshop participants will:
  • understand the requirements for creating an inclusive environment using kindness. ​
  • learn the difference between Inclusion, Diversity and Equity and ​
  • Increase self awareness of knowing personal bias and the impact that has on psychological safety, diversity goals and overall company performance. ​
  • develop an IDEAs action plan
Workshop Time: 3 hours​
Audience: All Leaders

Develops the following Kindness attributes:
Self acceptance, perspective, empathy and honesty​