Kind Programs

We raise awareness of people’s kindness strengths and how to leverage strengths to increase health wellbeing and performance. 

We provide resources and build capability in the 12 attributes kindness. We have a suite of programs and resources to support you building kindness strengths: integrating kindness into your everyday life and enjoying the benefits that brings.


Kind Company™ Accreditation

Become recognised as a Kind Company™ by completing our Kind Company™ accreditation



Kindness Strengths Profile

Kind Group has a proprietary Kindness Strengths Profile tool based on the Kind Group DNA; our 12 attributes of kindness

This tool helps you understand your unique Kindness Strengths based on your responses to a series of questions. The tool then creates your Kindness Strengths Profile complete with a variety of resources. This includes videos from Kath Koshel to help you understand your results and keep you motivated to incorporate kindness in your everyday life.